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Oct 30, 2021

While Democrats tear down statues of Thomas Jefferson and deride parents’ involvement in schools, can Josh Shapiro’s campaign for governor point the way forward for his often bumbling party?

Oct 28, 2021

Ali Velshi, a Citizen board member, reminds us that ignoring the climate change crisis will have multi-generational impacts

Oct 27, 2021

As cities around the country work to protect residents from traffic accidents, a new bill passed by Council in the name of equity does exactly the opposite.

Oct 26, 2021

Less than 30 percent of Philadelphia residents have a bachelor's degree. This college president argues one way to change that is better access to high-quality childcare on campus.

Oct 22, 2021

Does a rape in front of silent witnesses on the El signify that, amid rampant disorder, citizens have given up on that which keeps us all together: citizenship itself?