Nov 30, 2022
Join us for part 1 of the dedication of Judge Higginbotham's mural on the MercyLIFE West building. Speakers include The Citizen Executive Editor Larry Platt, the artist Shawn Theodore and Judge Higginbotham's nephew, law professor Michael Higginbotham.
Nov 29, 2022
Elaine Maimon asks us to consider the many thousands of DREAMers who arrived in the U.S. as children and need legal status to thrive.
Nov 28, 2022
After giving his last press conference, Anthony Fauci is stepping down. MSNBC host and Citizen Board Member Ali Velshi reviews the life and accomplishments of "America's Doctor."
Nov 25, 2022
WURD host and Citizen contributor Charles Ellison talks with Monica Miraglilo, the entrepreneur and real estate developer behind Girlbuild. This initiative is empowering women in the development and construction industry.
Nov 24, 2022
Hosted by Larry Platt, former Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter and former Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed, this podcast answers the age-old question: How does a city really get shit done